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2 Broke Girls - Max is a streetwise, although there are some issues that she needs to get over. In order to make ends meet, she has to work two jobs, which is certainly not idea.

Max is a streetwise, although there are some issues that she needs to get over. In order to make ends meet, she has to work two jobs, which is certainly not idea. One of the jobs that she has in 2 Broke Girls is working at a diner in Williamsburg, waiting tables on a nightly basis, working the night shifts. She crosses paths with Caroline. She is a sophisticated women, although a string of bad luck has meant that she is going to have to give waitressing a go. Max sees Caroline as another server that is going to be poor and a let down in general. She knows that these type of servers come and go and she ends up having to cover for them in the long term. This is certainly not the case with Caroline though, as she really does pull her weight. In fact, she sees Caroline takes an interest in her and they become friends. Caroline picks up on the fact that Max bakes some amazing cakes and decides that they have a future in business together. Of course, in 2 Broke Girls, money does not come easily and before they begin, they need to raise up some money to get their business off the ground. This might seem like a fairly easy task, but it is something that quickly turns into a challenge. The reviews regarding 2 Broke Girls have been mixed and this has led to a range of different viewers taking an interest in this TV series. A lot of the advertisements and reviews relating to 2 Broke Girls suggest that it is not actually as good as it really is. Essentially, the reviews and the advertisements relating to the show, simply do not do it justice. A lot of people might not think that this storyline would be interesting at all. That being said, after catching a glimpse of the pilot, it is likely that they are going to be hooked for good. The focus of 2 Broke Girls is actually being funny and for once, we have found a show that really is. The great thing about this show is that the jokes that are incorporated into the screen play are actually funny. This is good simply because when the audience laughs, everyone knows why they are laughing, rather than wondering whether or not a joke that had been said was actually funny or not.
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